Ōpōtiki shines for Prime Minister’s visit

Today, Friday 30 April 2021 Ōpōtiki welcomed Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Minister for Economic Development, Stuart Nash, and Labour MP Tamati Coffey to Te Rere Marae, one of the local marae that have benefited from upgrade funding through the Provincial Development Unit. It was also an opportunity to discuss the many successful projects underway in the Ōpōtiki District.

Ōpōtiki Mayor, Lyn Riesterer said that it was an opportunity to bring together the many people and organisations who are working in partnership to revitalise the district and turn the economic prospects around.

In her speech, the Mayor said that she wanted to genuinely thank government for the investments made in the district over the past year.

“Central government has trusted us with funding for so many projects in the past couple of years – particularly the harbour entrance, the town centre upgrade, new footpaths, Te Tāhuhu o Te Rangi, support for kiwifruit and of course marae funding.

“This visit was an opportunity to show all that we are achieving with that funding and the genuine difference we are making right here on the ground.

“There are so many people who have gone before that have built us up to this point. This has been many many years in the making and we are the fortunate generation that finally starts to see the rubber hitting the road.

“The Prime Minister’s speech really showed an appreciation for what we are achieving. She said that it was heartening to see decisions made on paper all the way away in Wellington are made real here. She heard from rangatahi with new prospects and new dreams for their future. She saw industries being built from the ground up and the benefits of many years of strong and prosperous partnerships,” Mayor Riesterer said.

The tour was an opportunity to see upgrades on marae, the new mussel processing factory, the harbour entrance and a small look at the town centre upgrades. There were also displays about local pathway to work programmes and education, training and youth opportunities.

Source: Opotiki District Council