Volunteers descend on Dunes Trail cycleway for planting day

Volunteers lending a hand at the second of three 2017 planting days on the Dunes Trail enjoyed stunning Eastern Bay weather over the weekend.

The Dunes Trail is part of the Motu Trail which, in turn, is one of the great rides on Nga Haerenga, the New Zealand Cycle Trail.

Motu Trails Charitable Trust executive officer Jim Robinson said a bunch of locals were joined by Auckland group Shah Satnam Ji Green S Welfare Force Wing - New Zealand, to plant about 1500 plants.

"The day was a fantastic demonstration of different communities working together for the benefit of the community," Mr Robinson said.

A third planting day will be held this Sunday.

"Volunteers were also able to see the new Dunes Trail bridges at Hukuwai Beach. The walking/cycling bridges are the third in a series of 2017 enhancements supported by the New Zealand Cycle Trail."

Other enhancements were extensive trail resurfacing on the Opotiki end of the trail, completed two months ago, and a 40m stretch of concrete near Pakowhai ki Otutaopuku bridge, where the trail is designed to be submerged whenever the Otara River floods.

The two new Hukuwai bridges span small waterways. Until a week ago, the trail followed the vehicle access from the highway. Now the trail stays further away from the highway and is easier to follow.

Source: NZ Herald, The Country