
Looking for Flooring Services in Opotiki? Local flooring professionals can help with the sales and service for all makes and types of carpet, tiles and hard flooring. See our list below for a wide range of flooring services, from carpet cleaners to carpet layers and laying services including rug over - locking, vinyl laying, cork and ceramic tiling and floor sanding contractors.

Flooring Listings

Carpets & Critters, Opotiki


Carpets & Critters, Opotiki

Looking for carpet cleaning or pest control services in Opotiki? Carpets and Critters provide a wide range of highly professional, reliable and cost effective carpet solutions and pest management services across the Eastern Bay including Opotiki, Ohope, Whakatane, Kawerau and surrounding areas.

Our professional carpet solutions include carpet cleaning, re-stretching, carpet patching and repairs as well as upholstery cleaning and flood restoration.

07 315 5215
021 434 286

Flooring Listings

Carpets & Critters, Opotiki


Carpets & Critters, Opotiki

Looking for carpet cleaning or pest control services in Opotiki? Carpets and Critters provide a wide range of highly professional, reliable and cost effective carpet solutions and pest management services across the Eastern Bay including Opotiki, Ohope, Whakatane, Kawerau and surrounding areas.

Our professional carpet solutions include carpet cleaning, re-stretching, carpet patching and repairs as well as upholstery cleaning and flood restoration.

07 315 5215
021 434 286

Flooring Map